
20 Aug, 2019

Car Wash Week


Dear Parents, It has been a great first two weeks of school, I am very excited about our class and team. Please keep yourself informed by visiting our website for calendar information covering the entire semester. sahuaritamusic.org   as a review - Communication should be as followed: email - website -remind for texting - school phone - (all good sources) for remind I would like parents to join a different group please add yourself to  81010 @mbp19-20 Week at a Glance Monday - rehearsal 5:45-8:15 on the field, students may stay after if they need to (last night) Tuesday -  prop construction in the Art room [...]

Car Wash Week2019-08-22T17:09:15-07:00
23 Jan, 2019

2018-2019 Volunteer Opportunities Change


We are hosting for the South Central Region Festival this semester. I am in need of your help for the following couple dates and many times. Please click on the sign-up genius and scroll to the bottom for our needs. They include this Saturday, Jan. 26 at U of A Music Building, then dates later in February at Sahuarita High School. Please help out and sign up! Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e45aaaa2ca0f58-20182019  

2018-2019 Volunteer Opportunities Change2019-01-28T10:37:53-07:00
05 Nov, 2018

Week of AzMBA State


Dear Parents, It has been a journey but this marching band season isn't over yet. We have made it and our last performances for the DeComposer's Show will happen this week. We will also take time to honor our Veteran's for several performances. Please visit the website calendars and classroom handouts for details. This week will be very busy. Week at a Glance Monday - LAST marching rehearsal 5:45-8:45 Tuesday - Winter Drumline MPH (open to all students) Wednesday - LAST marching percussion/flag rehearsal 2:40-5:20 Thursday - POWER Pack Pep band performance 5:30pm -8pm (no flags) Friday - SIS performance 9am-10:15am [...]

Week of AzMBA State2018-11-05T07:29:24-07:00


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