
23 Aug, 2021

Marching Band Council Fundraiser


Dear Parents, I apologize for the short notice. Our band council (student club) has struggled to get moving this school year but I think we are finally going to see forward progress. The band council has been working for more than two weeks to get a location for a club sponsored car wash to raise money for our field props. Our props this year cost between $3500-$4000, this is a huge investment for the show. Today the band council printed and passed out car wash tickets for this Saturday, August 28th. We are asking each student to sell at least 4 tickets at $5 each for a total [...]

Marching Band Council Fundraiser2021-08-26T13:09:22-07:00
28 Jan, 2021

Band – Fundraiser


Parents, We have been approved for our club fundraiser, I have created an assignment in our google classroom, this is NOT a graded assignment but I hope every student will participate. In the past we would have had multiple car washes, onsite fundraisers and Butterbraid pastry sales in addition to this email campaign. Please help us to be successful. We will have a club meeting as stated in #3 with our fundraising promoter, if you want to attend, join us, if not I will record the presentation and post it on our website for you to watch later  We will [...]

Band – Fundraiser2021-01-29T11:17:12-07:00
14 Dec, 2020

Concert and Needs


Dear  Parents, Please sign up to support our music boosters with the Fry's rewards program Yay! we can get Community Rewards from Fry's grocery store now. Below is the sign-up information. Your Fry's Account Community Rewards Home Page Dear Sahuarita High School Music Booster, Congratulations on your enrollment into the Fry's Community Rewards Program. Your participants may begin enrolling upon receipt of this email. You have been assigned a new NPO (Non-Profit Organization) number QA651. Please refer to this number in all future correspondence. To Use the Fry's Community Rewards Program: Simply encourage your participants to visit Once logged into their Fry's account [...]

Concert and Needs2020-12-14T16:09:19-07:00
28 Sep, 2020

Week before Fall Break – Band


Dear Parents, As the 1st quarter comes to a close we look forward to beginning some in person work with your child. I will be sending out detailed information at the end of this week about our hybrid return to the school in the near future. In the meantime please continue to make school and participation in our class a priority! Our class is physically based with a lot of required time on a video. Your child needs to have a device that has a video working to participate effectively.  I do not need to hear your child in our class [...]

Week before Fall Break – Band2020-09-30T10:03:34-07:00
02 Mar, 2020

Silent Auction Donations Needed!


DEADLINE IS TOMORROW. CAN YOU HELP? WE STILL NEED LOTS OF ITEMS. The Sahuarita High School Music Booster club is putting together several themed gift baskets for a Silent Auction. We are looking for donations from parents or local businesses to fill these baskets. Baskets will be sold via silent auction at our Future Freshman Step-up Concert on the evening of March 6th. Any donations you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Also please share with any local business who might be willing to contribute their products or services and help out our non-profit organization. Basket Themes are: - PAMPER YOURSELF [...]

Silent Auction Donations Needed!2020-03-04T08:22:28-07:00
26 Sep, 2019

Sahuarita Band 2019 Fundraiser


Sahuarita Band 2019 Fundraiser About the Fundraiser Hello Sahuarita Band friends, family and fans. We are running an online fundraiser for new equipment, clothing, travel, team meals and the costs associated with running a successful program. Your support will help us offer a high quality experience for all of our students. We appreciate all donations, large or small and they go towards a great cause. You will be emailed a receipt for your gift. Please spread the word about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, we would greatly appreciate it. [...]

Sahuarita Band 2019 Fundraiser2019-09-26T18:40:01-07:00
27 Aug, 2019

Open House Tonight


Dear Parents, We had a great car wash, thanks to everyone who participated and sold their tickets. We raised a little more than $1,800! This money could not come at a better time, we have been able pay for our show music, and field props, between our car wash in May ($775) and now August, we did it! Week at a Glance Monday - rehearsal 5:45-8:15 on the field, students may stay after if they need to Tuesday -  NA - building Sahuaro's in Art room 3:30-5:15,  OPEN HOUSE 5:30, Music Parent Meeting 6:30pm E 105 bandroom Wednesday - NA Thursday [...]

Open House Tonight2019-08-27T14:46:49-07:00
20 Aug, 2019

Car Wash Week


Dear Parents, It has been a great first two weeks of school, I am very excited about our class and team. Please keep yourself informed by visiting our website for calendar information covering the entire semester.   as a review - Communication should be as followed: email - website -remind for texting - school phone - (all good sources) for remind I would like parents to join a different group please add yourself to  81010 @mbp19-20 Week at a Glance Monday - rehearsal 5:45-8:15 on the field, students may stay after if they need to (last night) Tuesday -  prop construction in the Art room [...]

Car Wash Week2019-08-22T17:09:15-07:00
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