Dear Parents,

On Friday in class the students took a survey about participation in the concert with options of alternate assignments if they will not participate in the event due to the return to distance learning and I have the results. 6% (4 students) of students are on quarantine and will not be allowed to participate per district and CDC guidelines they will be given an alternate assignment. 3% (2) of students answered that they do not feel safe and they will be given an alternate assignment instead of attending rehearsals and concert. 91% of students answered that as long as they are NOT put on a quarantine by the district and meet the temperature check requirements they wish to participate in the concert which includes rehearsals this week.

Students not participating in the concert will receive their alternate assignment on Monday, December 7th to be completed by Thursday, December 10th (the concert).

Students participating in the concert will need to wear their concert attire on Thursday, December 10th to the auditorium. Students will be on an excused pass from the front office but they will still be responsible for the work they miss in their other classes. If your child needs someplace to be during the day while they are not scheduled in the auditorium the high school has on campus learning in the library but I need to know by the end of day Tuesday, if your child will need to be on campus during the day for the educational process.

I would like to thank the following people in advance for coming together to make this week happen for the students:
Assistant Superintendent Scott Downs
Auditorium Director John Flannery
Assistant Principal Beth Lehr
Assistant to the performing arts Thomas Cervenka
Music Tech Ryan Blake
Parents and Music Board Members David and Karina Varner
I have attached the information for our concert this week to this email. Please read carefully. Please reach out to me with any concerns so we can work on them together. Your child’s safety is our first priority in this experience and although our conert will look a little different I am confident your child will have an amazing performance. Our concert will be a live stream on either December 15 or 16 and will be available to view for about 3 hours to adhere to copyright laws. I will let you know which night as soon as we have the information so you can share with your extended family and friends.


Christine Garcia
Sahuarita High School
Band and Orchestra Director
(520) 625-3502 X 1551

Winter Arts Performance.pdf